Mamma's Italian Chicken Recipes

Chicken is a dinnertime favorite in my family and these easy Italian chicken recipes will make the ordinary taste mouthwatering.
Besides its great taste, chicken is highly versatile, family-friendly, and good for you. A great source of protein! It is also a nice alternative to pasta and a great compliment to many Italian wines.
As mamma always does, please take special care in preparing and keeping your food safe from harmful bacteria. After all, it’s La Famiglia!
Follow these safety tips:
• Clean—Wash hands and surfaces often.
• Separate—Don't cross-contaminate.
• Cook—Cook to proper temperatures.
• Chill—Refrigerate promptly.
So get ready to discover chicken “Italian style”. A little garlic here, a little oregano there and your off and running.
Tried and true, these savory dishes will stand the test of time. They have for my family and I’m sure they will for yours too.
So let it be chicken tonight! Buon appetito!
Italian Chicken with Potatoes & Sauce
Chicken and Artichoke
Crispy Parmesan Chicken
Chicken Parmesan
Chicken Marsala
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